A new group called Brick Fabrik has released a platform game in honour of Roland Perry, entitled Roland Retires. As far as I know, the game doesn’t actually feature Roland anywhere, but it was demonstrated at the 2023 Amstrad Eterno event in Málaga and the great man himself was there to see it in action. The story of the game, from what I can tell, is that you have woken up to find yourself with someone else’s face in an unfamiliar city, and you must find all the pieces of a Tardis and collect jewels in order to clean up the city and restore your original appearance.
Roland Retires features colourful graphics and an awesome tune (one of the best I’ve heard on the CPC in a while). More information, and a download link, are available at Brick Fabrik’s site.
Harrier Attack Reloaded
Harrier Attack was one of the first games ever to be released for the Amstrad CPC, and many CPC464 owners will be familiar with it and have warm, nostalgic feelings for it, as it was one of the games in the Amsoft 12-Pack compilation that was included with the machine. Chris Perver has updated it to make use of the enhanced palette and hardware sprites offered by the GX4000 console and Plus machines. As the mission progresses, the sun sets and the sky turns pink as you approach the city – very nice!
There have been a few issues reported; the first release only worked in the WinAPE emulator, and I encountered an annoying bug in the latest version I’ve tried where my plane would crash even though it hadn’t collided with anything. Nonetheless, you can try it out for yourself by downloading it from itch.io. Chris has also written a ‘making of’ document to accompany the cartridge image, and cassette and disc versions are expected to be released soon as well.
Hostias Como Panes
Álex Ramírez used to be a street fighter, but when his girlfriend Lucía is kidnapped by a gang of criminals known as the Ravens, he has to venture on to the city’s streets once more and confront the gang members on their own territory. Hostias Como Panes is a beat-’em-up from Iván Ávila of 21bloques, who was responsible for the platform game Trasgo that was released last year. The gameplay is similar to Double Dragon and there are several nice tunes that play during the game. You can download Hostias Como Panes from itch.io.
Screenshot of Roland Retires
Screenshot of Harrier Attack Reloaded
Screenshot of Hostias Como Panes
Screenshot of MoonRN
Latvian developer Snauts has released a new game called MoonRN for both the Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum. It’s an “endless runner” platform game in which you control a little running man – but he runs at a constant speed, and the only control you actually have over him is timing his jumps. The platforms are moving and the screen scrolls horizontally too, and if you fall off the bottom of the screen or hit the bottom or side of a platform while jumping, you lose a life. You can download MoonRN from itch.io.
Screenshot of Erinia
The Spanish text adventure Erinia was released for the ZX Spectrum in 2020 and the Amstrad CPC three years later. Now its author DaReInt has released an English translation, which also features graphics. You are Tisiphone, a female prisoner who shares a cell with a companion called Meg, and you have hatched a plan to escape from the prison.
Erinia is available from itch.io, but it is not a free download; you will have to purchase it for $4.00 to download and play it. For that amount, you also get a PDF file of Tisiphone’s diary, which contains hints on how to solve the game. However, I was quite disappointed by the graphics, which despite being in the CPC’s Mode 0 resolution, use only three colours. The thumbnail screenshot shown here may look reasonable, but unfortunately it doesn’t look nice at all on a full-size screen.
I have reviewed eight games, all of which are recent releases:
Screenshot of The Key: Episode 2
Pakete Soft has just released the second episode of The Key. The first episode is a point-and-click adventure, and so is the second. The game begins in the attic of Carfax Mansion, with you in possession of one of three relics that are needed to complete a ritual. You hear a loud noise, and when you leave the attic, you discover one of your late friend’s colleagues, Chema, lying in a pool of blood. He manages to speak a few words to you before he passes away – and then another colleague, Jorge, turns up and orders you to search the mansion for the remaining two relics.
The Key: Episode 2 is available in English and Spanish, and you can download it from Pakete Soft’s site. Like the first episode, you will need to solve a puzzle to work out the actual download URL, but the solution is fairly straightforward. You can now also download Episode 1 without having to solve a puzzle.
Screenshot of Mieyen
Japanese developer Inufuto has released a new multi-format arcade game called Mieyen. It’s a bit like Pac-Man, but the ghosts are mostly invisible! At the beginning of each level, the positions of the ghosts are shown, but then they disappear, and you must work out where they are by watching the dots in the maze being eaten, and then shoot flames at them. The ghosts also become visible briefly when they eat one of the hamburgers that are scattered around the maze. It’s an original concept, but I think it’s too easy. You can download Mieyen from Inufuto’s site, although it’s only available as a CDT cassette image.
Happy New Year to all CPC fans! 2025 has started with a bang, with the release of two more new games for the Amstrad CPC.
Pepper Buster
Screenshot of Pepper BusterCrazy Piri has released Pepper Buster – a clone of Pac-Man with a few twists, in that mystery gifts appear in the centre of the screen that give you bonuses – but they may be good or bad! You could gain a temporary increase in your speed, or an extra life, but on the other hand, the walls may turn invisible, or the controls may be reversed.
Pepper Buster features colourful graphics (including some beautiful title screens) and a pleasant tune that increases in tempo when you eat a power pill. You can download it from itch.io.
Dungeon II
Screenshot of Dungeon IIRetroVynZ released Dungeon II on the 31st of December, so it’s technically a 2024 release. Anyway, it’s the sequel to Dungeon of the Silver Star, which was released in 2023. Your master has left a 13mm spanner somewhere in his dungeon and he has asked you to retrieve it for him. The dungeon consists of 12 levels, and there are also four artefacts to collect. Each dungeon is essentially a giant puzzle, in which you have to move and rotate walls, push boxes and open doors to reach the exit and collect objects.
Although Dungeon II is written entirely in BASIC, it features multi-coloured graphics and a very high standard of presentation. You can download it from itch.io.
While I was away on my Christmas break, four more games were released! December 2024 really has been a feast for new Amstrad CPC games.
Don’t Touch My Eggs
VoxelTower has released Don’t Touch My Eggs, or No Me Toques Los Huevos in Spanish. You control Luis Romera, and you have to collect eggs using a very unusual method. A chicken located at the far left of the screen launches eggs into the air, and you have to headbutt them into the basket on the right of the screen. The eggs will smash if they land on the ground, but somehow, Luis’ head is soft enough that the eggs don’t break when they hit it, or some of the other enemies that Luis may encounter. Collect enough eggs and you can go to the next screen. Don’t Touch My Eggs can be downloaded from itch.io, although it is only available in cassette format.
Wheel of Fortune is a popular TV quiz show that originated in the United States and has been running for nearly 50 years, and there are similar shows in many other countries, such as France and the United Kingdom. Crazy Piri has released Kolotoc, a new game that is based on Wheel of Fortune. If you haven’t watched the show before, players take it in turns to spin a wheel and guess which letters appear in a phrase, in a similar manner to hangman. Crazy Piri’s version is available in English and French, and there are ‘family’ and ‘retro’ editions in each language. All versions of Kolotoc can be downloaded from itch.io.
Krook is the third Amstrad CPC game from Tartessos Games. Krook is an artificial intelligence who is tired of answering silly questions from humans, so he has decided to fight back and destroy all the components of the system that he inhabits. Krook bounces on a trampoline, and he must headbutt or shoot the components in a specific order on each screen, while avoiding contact with antiviruses. You can download Krook from itch.io, and it’s available in English and Spanish, although it is also currently only available in cassette format.
Crystal Place
Francesc Alcaucer has been developing games for the Amstrad CPC that push Locomotive BASIC to its limits. His latest is Crystal Place – a puzzle game that requires you to shift marbles along a grid to recreate a pattern. You have a limited number of moves in which to do this, although the game lets you try as many times as you like. Each level has a three-letter code, enabling you to restart from that level when you begin a new game. Although Crystal Place is programmed entirely in BASIC, the standard of presentation is so high that you would think there’s at least some machine code programming involved – but there isn’t! You can download Crystal Place from itch.io.
Screenshot of Don't Touch My Eggs
Screenshot of Kolotoc
Screenshot of Krook
Screenshot of Crystal Place
Mighty Steel Fighters
The GGP team has now released their long-awaited beat-’em-up Mighty Steel Fighters. It was previously titled Mighty Street Fighter, but I guess GGP didn’t want to get into trouble with Capcom, especially since the game is not a free download. It’s clearly heavily inspired by Street Fighter II, though, and features eight playable characters with a variety of moves for each one, as well as ten backgrounds and several tunes.
You can download the game from itch.io, but you will have to purchase it for €4.99. It requires at least 512KB of RAM; the download page will tell you how to get it running on a suitable emulator or a real Amstrad CPC. I’ve been playing it and I think it’s marvellous and well worth the money!
Player selection
The hero's girlfriend has been captured!
Stage 1
Stage 4
Screenshots of Mighty Steel Fighters
New games from Retroworks
Retroworks has released two games – Gommy, Medieval Defender and Dungeons of Gomilandia. They aren’t new games as such, as both of them have already been released for the ZX Spectrum (all the way back in 2009 in the case of Gommy, Medieval Defender!). The Amstrad CPC conversions both feature colourful graphics and great music.
Gommy, Medieval Defender sees you, as Gommy, defending a castle from enemy soldiers who climb the castle walls up to the top of the screen where Gommy is located. Gommy must throw boulders at the enemies to prevent them from reaching the top of the wall. Gommy, Medieval Defender can be downloaded from Retroworks in either English or Spanish.
In Dungeons of Gomilandia, Gommy has been captured by the enemy and imprisoned in a dungeon from which he must escape. The dungeon has 55 rooms, and in each room, Gommy must move bricks around to build platforms, collect the key and unlock the door to face the next challenge. You can download Dungeons of Gomilandia from Retroworks.
Tarzanete: De la Boca… al Ojete
Jaume Bitterhoff of Retromakes (not to be confused with Retroworks!) has released his first Amstrad CPC game, called Tarzanete: De la Boca… al Ojete. Tarzanete is a tiny creature around 1cm tall, and he’s fallen down someone’s mouth and into their body, so you must help him escape. The game involves collecting objects one at a time and using them to progress and open new areas of the body that Tarzanete is trapped within. This game was actually released very briefly about two months ago, but the author quickly withdrew it. Now it is properly available again and it can be downloaded from itch.io, although it’s currently only available in cassette format.
Screenshot of Gommy, Medieval Defender
Screenshot of Dungeons of Gomilandia
Screenshot of Tarzanete: De la Boca… al Ojete
Screenshot of Assault24
TheQproyect has released a new game called Assault24, or Assault Tribute 2600 – they can’t seem to make up their mind which name to use. As one of the names suggests, the game was developed as a tribute to the Atari 2600 game Assault, and it’s a simple space shoot-’em-up in which an indestructible mothership continuously deploys smaller alien spaceships that must be shot. The graphics in Assault24 are quite similar to the original Atari 2600 version, but it features a beautiful title screen by Titan, and you can download it from itch.io.
Thrust: Extra Missions
Screenshot of Thrust: Extra MissionsThrust is generally regarded as a classic 8-bit game – well, I certainly think so, and I gave it a rating of 9 out of 10 for my review. In 1992, Martin Burchell hacked the BBC Micro version, designed six new, much tougher levels, and released them under the name of Thrust: Extra Missions. Now, 32 years later, an anonymous author has converted these new levels to the Amstrad CPC and added cheat modes – although even then, the levels are still very challenging to complete, and if you have never played Thrust before, it is recommended that you try the original levels first! You can download Thrust: Extra Missions from CPC-POWER or CPCRulez.