(Cronosoft, 2006)
Can you help Moosh to close the bridge between his world and the world that the evil Tsych inhabits, thus saving his people from doom? This is a puzzle game consisting of 32 deviously designed levels made up of tiles, most of which will disappear after Moosh moves to another tile. The aim is to guide Moosh from his starting position to the purple tile that marks the exit, and to remove all the tiles that can be removed. The first few levels are fairly easy, but it becomes quite difficult surprisingly quickly, although you are given passwords which enable you to skip earlier levels. This is the first totally new game on the CPC to see a commercial release for at least ten years, and I certainly welcome it. Although there is very little sound, the graphics are colourful and the game as a whole is very challenging.

Only you can liberate the robot factory from alien occupation. There are several games like Strangeloop on the CPC and yet Strangeloop does enough to carve out its own niche. It has a brilliant feature where if you die you can position yourself to avoid instant deaths on your next life, for example. There is a vehicle to ride that makes the game easier, as being on foot at first is quite cumbersome. This, however, ties into the game’s narrative (lack of gravity). There are many locations to explore and items to find that have been strategically placed. The graphics are colourful and your character moves briskly around the screen. The further you get the more there is to see. The sound effects are slim, though. There is an enhanced version (Strangeloop+) which even includes a Sorcery-themed level (a great idea; if only more games offered bonuses like this). Indeed, if you liked Sorcery then you’ll enjoy this.

(Bulldog, 1987)
You’re in a shopping centre with no clothes on (yes!), and have to find all your clothes before you can leave again. However, there are thieves about who will steal your clothes and other objects you’re carrying, although you can prevent this by giving them the correct object. You’ll also need to sneak into some of the shops when they’re closed. This is a strange game, but when you try to play it, you will scream. The game is slower than an arthritic tortoise, the graphics are worse than terrible, and what sound there is is rubbish. It really is an absolutely useless game!
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Street Cred Boxing
(Players, 1989)
The West Siders have threatened to take over Joe’s gym, so Joe hires six men to see if they can beat the stuffing out of them. Before they can set out on to the streets, the six men have to undergo training to see if they’re up to standard. The first part is a joystick-waggling session where you must get your men to qualify by punching the bag as much as they can within eight seconds. The second part is where you fight the West Siders, although there’s not much you can do to prevent them slaughtering you, and the moves are limited. The tune is quite good, although the graphics are much better on the first part than the second; it’s a shame that there’s not much of a game in there.

Street Cred’ Football
(Players, 1989)
Play a rough and tough five-a-side game of football in the street. Each team selects five players (although it doesn’t make any difference as to which faces you choose), and then it’s time to kick off. This game is really nothing to get excited about. The graphics are ugly and monochrome, and although there is some mediocre music on the main menu, there are no sound effects at all during the actual game. Worst of all is that it is ludicrously easy to beat the computer; grabbing the ball of an opponent is really simple to do, and you’ll quickly find a way to score goals again and again. In fact, I won my first game 25-3! The players move quite slowly as well. In summary, it’s an awful game.

This little-known beat-’em-up pales into comparison to its sequel – remember all the fuss that Amstrad Action made over Street Fighter II, which was ultimately never released for the CPC? No choice of player, though; you are left with the diminutive Ryu to travel the globe in a series of bouts to determine who is the ‘world warrior’. You and your opponent face each other in front of a luscious landscape while you proceed to knock the crap out of him/her using the variety of moves available to you. A health bar at the top of the screen indicates your progress or lack of it. Good large sprites, but rather garish colours. It’s also too easy up to the final confrontation with Sagat, who is way too difficult.
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Another beat-’em-up that has you playing the usual cool customer out to beat up various gangs. Basically, the back of the box tells the whole story; “Kick and punch your way through New York City’s violent crime-ridden streets”. But despite its lack of originality, there’s something I like about this game. The graphics are quite colourful and cartoony, and are a breath of fresh air from the usual seriousness of this type of game. The hero actually looks quite geeky, and the villains come in all sorts of interesting guises. Another nice touch is an end-of-level bonus stage where you open one of three bins for the chance to win an extra life – and they are much needed, because this game is pretty tough! Overall, not the best game of its type, but fairly enjoyable nonetheless.

Street Gang Football
(Code Masters, 1989)
A football game with a difference – it’s played in your own back yard! Two gangs have gathered for a fun game of football, but there aren’t many rules, and if either side scores a goal, the two gangs may start a fight with each other. This involves lots of silly remarks filling up the screen – “Goal!”, “No it wasn’t”, “Yes it was”, “Not even near”, “Wanna fight about it?”, etc. It’s not so much the tricky controls as the fact that this game takes itself too seriously. It does have some really kicking music, though.

Based on the American TV series from the 1980s, Street Hawk puts you in the shoes of ex-dirt biker Jesse Mach, and in the saddle of the latest government project – an all-terrain attack motorcycle capable of great speeds. You travel up the screen, evading police, shooting enemy cars with your lasers, jumping over and evading innocent drivers and pedestrians, while keeping an eye on your several gauges (armour, laser, turbo, etc.). After locating a robbery at a store, the game switches to Operation Wolf-style shoot-’em-up shenanigans before switching back to more driving. The game is not too difficult (if anything, it’s too short) and the variety of gameplay keeps things fresh. OK, it’s not too pretty to look at, being a Spectrum port, but it’s definitely worth a play.
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Street Machine
(Software Invasion, 1987)
This is a driving game viewed from above, where you race your rally car around a track in the shortest time. The course takes you through towns and countryside, and forests and lakes. The car can be difficult to control, particularly on the second and third stages where you’ll be driving in rain and snow respectively. Eventually your car will break down and you have a minute to fix your car; if any part of the car has more than 80% damage, you won’t be allowed to continue. It takes a while to learn how to control the car, but it’s really not a bad game at all, and the graphics, while fairly simple, are still colourful – and the lightning effect on the second stage is nice, too!
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