ESP Soft has released their latest game Red Sunset. They made a preview available back in Christmas 2018, and it looked amazing. The final version consists of three levels of vertically scrolling action in which you control one of two types of fighter – the Slider or the Viper. The graphics, music and scrolling are all amazing, and the game has been developed by the same team behind Galactic Tomb – another stunning example of what the Amstrad CPC can achieve in the right hands.

You can download Red Sunset from Amstrad ESP, and there’s a YouTube video that showcases the game that you can watch below (skip to 2:12 if you want to see the gameplay straight away).

Video of Red Sunset on YouTube

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

Space Moves

Space Moves box and cassette from Matranet
Space Moves box and cassette from Matranet
The new, expanded version of Space Moves is now available to order from Matranet on cassette at a cost of €21.45, excluding shipping. The cassette comes in a jewel case inside a cardboard box, and it also includes an instruction manual and a CD containing the soundtrack. There are no plans to release it on disc, although a DSK file for use on emulators should become available to download once all the physical copies have been sold, as far as I know.

If you want to see how the game plays, Xyphoe played it on one of his YouTube streams last Friday, and you can watch it below:

Xyphoe's preview of Space Moves on YouTube

Atic Atac

John Ward is trying to write Ultimate Play the Game’s ZX Spectrum classic Atic Atac for the Amstrad CPC, and Steven Day has contributed some beautiful Mode 0 graphics. John has posted a video on YouTube to demonstrate how gorgeous the game looks and plays so far, and you can also follow its progress on the CPCWiki forum.

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

New reviews

A new contributor, Shaun Neary, has reviewed three games (although he’s been in the Amstrad CPC gaming community for a long time – even longer than me!):

Shaun is not the only new contributor this time. neepheid has reviewed two games:

And Robert Small has reviewed two games:

Space Moves

Amstrad Eterno has released a cinema-style trailer on YouTube for the enhanced version of Space Moves by Retrobytes Productions, which you can watch below:

Trailer for Space Moves on YouTube

Today CPC Game Reviews has reached a milestone, with 2,000 Amstrad CPC games reviewed! It took almost five years to reach 1,000 reviews, and as I got older, left university and real life increasingly got in the way (as I’m sure it has for the large majority of readers), I felt I would never reach 2,000 reviews – but I’ve done it at last!

2,000 games reviewed

A big thanks to everyone who has contributed reviews to this site over the many years it’s been online (21 and counting). Without your help, the site would still be languishing at around 1,400 reviews.

I hope all of you Amstrad CPC fans out there are still enjoying browsing all the reviews and playing lots of great (and perhaps not so great) CPC games during these challenging times, and please remember to stay safe.

So what’s in the latest batch of reviews to be added? I have reviewed four games:

And Robert Small has reviewed Toyota Celica GT Rally.

Robert Small has reviewed Hostages.

I have reviewed three games:

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

The site is now very close to reviewing 2,000 Amstrad CPC games. I’m really not in a rush to reach this target – I’ve been running CPC Game Reviews since 1998, so it’s taken over twenty years to get here – but it would be nice to hit the big 2,000 fairly soon!

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

CPCGamesCD front cover
CPCGamesCD front cover
A new version of CPCGamesCD has been released. CPCGamesCD is an ISO file (an image of a CD-ROM) that contains all of the games on the NVG FTP archive, as well as over 200 Amstrad PCW games, for those who prefer to play their games on a larger, monochrome screen. The archive includes the CPC Loader software, which allows you to browse the full list of games, order them by name, publisher or year of release (to give a few examples), view loading screens and in-game screens, and of course play them on a range of emulators. It’s very convenient, and you have a huge range of games available to play with a few mouse clicks!

The latest version contains all the games that were on the NVG archive as of the 21st of March 2020, so it includes recent releases such as The Curse of Rabenstein, Cheril of the Bosque en Otro Bosque and Sir Ababol NES-OM Edition. You don’t need a CD or DVD drive on your computer to use CPCGamesCD; Windows 8 and Windows 10 both have the ability to mount ISO files without installing any additional software.