
Another new game has been released! This one is called Aeon and it has been developed by VincentGR and Kukulcan, who is better known as the maintainer of CPC-POWER – a site that I’m sure all Amstrad CPC fans will be familiar with. The game has been developed using Multi-Platform Arcade Game Designer and consists of four parts, and it features several marvellous tunes that have been converted by Jonah Ship from the ZX Spectrum, and cutscenes before each part with Mode 1 screens that use a lot more than four colours, thanks to some clever technical trickery.

If you want to see what the game is like, you can watch a YouTube video of Xyphoe playing all four parts, and you can download the game from CPC-POWER. I have also written a review (continue reading below for the link).

Xyphoe's playthrough of Aeon on YouTube

New reviews

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

I have reviewed three games:

Screenshot of Open Tower Defense
Screenshot of Open Tower Defense
Roudoudou has released Open Tower Defense. As the name suggests, it’s a tower defence strategy game where waves of enemies come from the left-hand side of the screen, and you have to place fortifications to prevent them from reaching the right-hand side. The enemies become increasingly powerful, which means that you continually need to buy and build more fortifications and spend credits upgrading existing fortifications.

The tower defence genre isn’t totally new to the CPC – Shining released Defence in 2016, which received a 10 out of 10 rating on this site – but Open Tower Defense is a pretty decent version. You can download the game from the CPCWiki forum.

I have reviewed three games, including a new one that was released a week or so ago and which I forgot to mention in my last update – oops!

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

The Sword of Ianna has been available on the CPC for nearly a year, and if you’re not already aware, it only works on the Dandanator hardware device. To the best of my knowledge, Retro Virtual Machine and CPCEC are the only emulators that currently support emulation of this device. If you haven’t played it before, I think it is well worth the effort of trying to get the game to work in one of these emulators!

Hibernated 1: This Place Is Death (Director’s Cut)

Proposed box artwork of Hibernated 1: This Place Is Death (Director's Cut)
Proposed box artwork of Hibernated 1: This Place Is Death (Director's Cut)
Back in 2018, Stefan Vogt released the text adventure Hibernated 1: This Place Is Death, and it was very highly praised (including an 8 out of 10 rating on this site). Since then, he has spent many months rewriting and greatly expanding it, and now he has released Hibernated 1 (Director’s Cut). This new version has been developed using the PunyInform engine, which generates code that is compatible with Infocom’s Z-machine. In short, you can create much larger and more complex adventures with PunyInform than you can with DAAD or PAW (two engines that were used in the development of the previous, ‘classic’ version of the game). In Stefan’s words, “If Infocom had been asked to recreate the classic Hibernated, the Director’s Cut would have been the outcome.”

Stefan also plans to collaborate with to produce a physical release of Hibernated 1 (Director’s Cut) that will come in a grey box, similar to Infocom’s own “grey box” releases, some of which were released for the Amstrad CPC and PCW. In the meantime, you can download the digital release of Hibernated 1 (Director’s Cut) for the CPC and PCW (and around 20 other formats!) from

The Sean McManus Software Collection

Following my announcement earlier this month about being able to play some Amstrad CPC games online at Amstrad CPC Games, Sean McManus has updated his site so that you can play some of his type-in listings online using the same online emulator. A number of Sean’s type-ins were published in Amstrad Action and Amstrad Computer User in the early 1990s.

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

Play Amstrad CPC games online!

A new site, simply titled Amstrad CPC Games, has recently been launched. If you visit it, you can play around 30 great Amstrad CPC games, such as Arkanoid, Bomb Jack, Commando, Gryzor and Ikari Warriors, in your web browser – no need to download or launch an emulator! All of this is possible thanks to Andre Weissflog’s hugely impressive Tiny Emulators set.

New reviews

I have reviewed five games:

New reviews

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

Also, after watching Xyphoe play Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on one of his live streams recently, I have reduced the rating on my review to 9 out of 10 (it was previously 10 out of 10). I still think it’s a great racing game but it doesn’t deserve full marks.

XeNoMoRPH’s YouTube channel added

I’ve added links to videos on XeNoMoRPH’s YouTube channel on my site. This channel is run by Joseph Antony and it features short gameplay videos of modern Amstrad CPC games and some of the less well known releases from the CPC’s golden era.

Red Sunset

Box artwork of Red Sunset
Box artwork of Red Sunset
Bitmap Soft will be releasing a limited edition physical version of ESP Soft’s wonderful shoot-’em-up Red Sunset, and you can order a copy now. You’d better be quick, though; the first batch of 25 copies sold out within a day, and the second batch of 25 copies will be the final batch! The box (see the image on the right) will include an A4 poster, an A5 manual, stickers, and a copy of the game on 3″ disc. The cost is £25.00, excluding shipping.

Robert Small has reviewed two games:

Piero Serra has reviewed Meltdown.

I have reviewed three games: