International Ninja Rabbits
(Microvalue, 1991)
I wonder if this idea of ninja rabbits was based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? It’s a thought... You’re one such rabbit, travelling through cities in Japan, the USA and Italy in order to save a factory from destruction. However, there are other humans and animals who are experienced in martial arts out to stop you. You can also pick up carrots which give you an extra life, which helps to make the game very easy, even on the hard difficulty level. It’s also very slow; these ninjas seem to behave more like pensioners! There are only three stages in the game, and the graphics show that it’s a nasty Spectrum port.

While rugby is a popular sport, few rugby games were released for the CPC. This game includes options for one or two players, and you can practice or play a championship league. The screen is reminiscent of Football Manager 2, being split into three sections, which can be annoying at times when you are carrying the ball into the next screen and find it’s been taken from you. The player sprites aren’t too bad, although they are on the small side. The tune that plays during the game is OK but can become repetitive and irritating after a while. Scrums, tackles, lineouts, kicks, tries and conversions are all present. It will take a bit of practice to get used to retrieving the ball knowing which player is nearest to the opponent carrying the ball. However, the game lacks some decent speed.
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Code Masters turns its attention to egg chasing in this colourful and playable rugby game. The player is greeted with some nice music in the traditional Code Masters style. There are not many options to choose from, but what is there is sufficient and easy to navigate. The in-game action is viewed from the side, it’s relatively fast and scrolls nicely, and it’s all in Mode 0. The controls are intuitive – kicking out of hand can take a while to get used to, but conversions are easier. You can pause the game to change different plays, the crowd noise is unobtrusive and the game will even pass the odd comment after you have scored. An arcade-style alternative to World Class Rugby.
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International Speedway
(Silverbird, 1988)
Compete against other speedway riders and progress through the local and national championships, before setting your sights on winning the continental championship and that coveted trophy. There are four other riders and that also means you’ll be competing in four races consisting of three laps of an oval track. On the novice level, you should win the local and national championships without any bother, but the continental championships are much harder, and it’s the same if you’re playing on the professional level. Despite there being one track, and each race lasting about 35 seconds, I still find it a nice game to play for a few minutes at a time.
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The CPC has so many good tennis games and this is yet another one. The presentation is absolutely bare bones but you can play singles or doubles, change the playing surface and adapt the difficulty. The gameplay is fast and smooth with nice animation, although there is a lack of colour in the graphics. The ‘shadow’ effect of the ball as it travels back and forth on the court is interesting; it reminded me more of a reflection on a surface than a shadow. The sound effects are as expected, but nothing that annoys while you play. This game sits comfortably in the top five tennis games on the Amstrad.
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Into Oblivion
(Mastertronic, 1986)
After destroying the computer on the planet Nonterraqueous, our hero must now escape and find a planet that offers safety – but there are 42 planets in this system, and he can’t simply fly from one planet to another one of his choice. Instead, there is a complicated transportation network with lots of connections between them. If you’re thinking that this sounds boring, it certainly is! The graphics are awful, and so is the music – although it can be turned off. There is very little scenery, and one section of a planet looks much like another. There are also aliens which fly around the planets, but they are no real threat. You’ll need to make a map or you’ll become hopelessly disoriented, but the game is so boring that you won’t want to make the effort.
See also: Nonterraqueous, Soul of a Robot.

Into the Eagles Nest
(Pandora, 1987)
A group of four saboteurs have entered the headquarters of a castle which is full of Nazi soldiers. Three of the saboteurs have been captured, so you must rescue them, kill as many soldiers as you can, and grab lots of treasure as well. The castle consists of four floors, but before you can use the lift, you’ll need to find a pass. Making a map of each floor is essential, as the castle is very large, and you’ll need to know the locations of first aid kits, ammunition, keys, and watch your energy and supply of ammunition very closely (which you can do by pausing the game). The graphics are excellent, and taking into account the size of the castle, completing even one of the missions, let alone all four of them, will keep most players occupied for a long time.

(Bulldog, 1987)
You have landed on a planet and are engaged in battle with an alien army. Your mission is to destroy the planet’s weather station and as many alien units as possible and then escape. Your own army consists of three types of offensive unit, four radar units and three explosive units, which are needed to destroy the weather station. This tactical strategy game is very poor indeed. The graphics are colourful but they look like a child drew them. You have little control over your units and they don’t seem to move where you want them to go to, and the computer always decides which alien unit they will attack. The worst aspect of the game is that the movement of your units is extremely slow, which ruins whatever excitement there might have been watching them tackle the alien army.
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In Invasion of the Zombie Monsters, you take control of Ned, who must try to save the world from the zombie hordes and take back his girlfriend! The game starts with a well drawn cartoon introduction and a catchy tune which I particularly enjoyed. The graphics are well drawn and colourful. The sprites are detailed, as are the effects like the explosions and the shining of the bolts that the hero fires. The sound is good with simultaneous music and effects. The scrolling is mostly smooth and fast but sometimes becomes jerky. The gameplay is enjoyable; it is fast-paced with great collision detection and keeps the player in readiness. The grab factor is strong. Most people will play it again after completing it. Overall, a very good arcade game.
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Amstrad CPC World,

Knowledge of French is required in order to play this game properly.
You’re locked in a strange house, and you have only six hours to find the way out. Next time, think twice before accepting an invitation... There are several keys and weapons hidden in the rooms, but searching costs a lot of time. To make it harder still, you’ve got company – there are rats, ghosts, dogs and other creatures. The graphics are cute, but there is no sound. Well, this game isn’t really exciting; you can’t progress because objects are placed randomly when you begin a new game. It’s a question of luck, and of keeping your self control...